Mode of operation

Leakage monitoring is not limited to pipe systems and pipelines, i.e. structures that transport gases and liquids, but can also be used where these are stored temporarily or permanently. This is also referred to as tank and reservoir monitoring. In addition to protecting against the loss of transported materials, distributed fiber-optic sensing is used to reduce environmental hazards and spill-risks for example explosion-protection with LNG tanks and pipelines.

Leckage Überwachung

Distributed fiber-optic leak detection systems are found not only in the oil & gas industry, but also in monitoring district heating and water supply- and treatment facilities. Depending on the exact application, measurements are based on three different principles.

For systems with an adequate temperature difference between the transported material and the surrounding environment, or those with a high pressure differential where the Joules-Thompson law can be applied, leaks are effectively detected and localized with a temperature sensing cable.

Where this does not work, but the pressure within the transport system exceeds a minimum value, leaks can be detected by means of noise or vibration detection. Acoustically sensitive sensor cables are used for this purpose.

Strain sensitive cables can also be used to detect leaks in specific cases where the transported liquid changes the strain in the cable or surrounding material. In cases where external mounting of the sensing cable on the transport system is not possible, a strain cable can be floated in the pipe and fixed the inner wall to detect leaks through pressure drops.


  • Long distances: Monitoring of structures across tens of kilometers with a single cablel

  • Maintenance free: cables operate maintenance-free for decades

  • Save: passive, fiber-optic sensing enables safe sensing of explosive materials (ex. LNG tank monitoring)

Your contact

Andrea Fasciati

Sales Director

Application Examples

Pipeline Monitoring

In order to detect the tiniest leak, acoustic and vibration sensitive sensor cables are installed directly on the piping. Acoustic sensing enables protection against “tapping” and dangers from construction equipment. For leak detection through temperature sensing, cables can be installed at a specific stand-off from the pipeline. This is an advantage for pipelines in use.

Installed Products:

Große Pipeline, die sich durch eine hügelige und grüne Landschaft mit vulkanischen Formationen im Hintergrund erstreckt, ein Gebiet, das für Pipeline Monitoring zur Überwachung von Betrieb und Integrität der Infrastruktur genutzt wird.
Luftaufnahme eines Wasserreservoirs in einer trockenen Landschaft mit deutlichen Erosionsspuren und Ablagerungen, ein typisches Szenario für 'Reservoir Monitoring' zur Überwachung von Wasserständen und Umweltbedingungen.

Reservoir Monitoring

Monitoring for dams and reservoirs utilizes temperature sensing, in particular for humidity and flow sensing. Heatable fiber-optic cables are often used for these applications (see humidity monitoring)

Installed Products:

Tank Monitoring

Tank monitoring is often used for explosive goods storage (e.g. LNG). Leaks are detected with acoustic and vibration monitoring – the corresponding pressure difference is used for measurement, as well as also humidity differences. In contrast to reservoir monitoring, heatable cables can not be used because of the risk of eplosion.

Installed Products:

Große industrielle Lagerbehälter an einem Gewässer, potenzieller Einsatzort für 'leakage detection' Systeme zur Früherkennung von Leckagen


BRUsens BSSH V13

BRUsens BSSH V13

Hybrid distributed fiber optic sensing cable for strain, temperature and acoustic containing 3 stranded FIMT and a structured PA sheath. FIMTs are freely configurable and usable for up to 1% strain measurement.



Acoustic Distributed fiber-optic cable with metallic tight buffered tube and a PA outside shield



Distributed fiber optic temperature sensor cable with metal loose tube, steel wire armouring and copper conductor for actively heated fiber optic measurements



Distributed fiber optic temperature sensor cable with metal loose tube, steel wire armouring and a PA outer sheath

BRUsens DSS V9

BRUsens DSS V9

Distributed fiber optic strain gauge cable with metallic tight buffered tube and a structured PA outer sheath for strain measurement up to 1%